Which among the following is also called” peak less” insulin analog ?
(A) Insulin lispro
(B) Insulin glargine
(C) Insulin aspart
(D) Lente insulin
T- lymphocytes play a primary role in_________________?
(A) Production of Antibodies
(B) production of lymphokines and delayed hypersensitivity
(C) Activation of complement system
(D) Immediate Hypersensitivity
To check objective pain response, which is best used method_______________?
(A) Facial pain scale
(B) Knee jerk reflex
(C) H- Reflex
(D) R III Reflex
Gut associated lymphoid tissue ( GALT) is primarily located in______________?
(A) Lamina propria
(B) Submucosa
(C) Muscularis
(D) Serosa
Which of the following is not a cause of secondary polycythemia ?
(A) High Altitude
(B) Myeloproliferative changes
(C) Pheochromocytoma
(D) Cerebellar hemangioblastoma
The normal brown red color of feces results from the presence of_______________?
(A) Heme
(B) Stercobilin
(C) Biliverdin
(D) Bilirubin diglucuronide
Citrate is a useful anticoagulant because of its ability to_____________?
(A) Buffer basic groups of coagulation factors
(B) Bind factor XII
(C) Bind vitamin K
(D) Chelate calcium
AB group has following agglutinins_______________?
(A) Anti – A & Anti – B
(B) Neither anti A nor anti – B
(C) Anti – A
(D) Anti – B
In a blood sample antiserum A and antiserum B and Rh+ ve factor is added. No agglutination is seen. This is_______________?
(A) O group and Rh+ ve
(B) O group and Rh- ve
(C) AB group and Rh+ ve
(D) AB group and Rh – ve