Enzymes which play an important role in calcification are______________?
(A) Enolase & calcitonin
(B) Alkaline phosphatase & catalase
(C) Alkaline phosphatase & pyrophosphatase
(D) Pyrophosphatase & carbonic anhydrase
Perception of taste even in absence of stimuli is known as_____________?
(A) Ageusia
(B) Dysguesia
(C) Cocoguesia
(D) Phantoguesia
Characteristic Tram- line calcifications in skull radiographs is observed in________________?
(A) Cleidocranial dysostoses
(B) Sturge – weber syndrome
(C) Paget’s disease
(D) Mc Cline – Albright syndrome
A 9 year old child’s mother comes to dental clinic with the complaint of oral ulceration, fever and shedding of skin of palms and soles: she is giving history of premature shedding of teeth and increased sweating she is also giving one month history of using any new teething gel available in market. The child is suffering form____________?
(A) Acrodynia
(B) Pemphigus vulgaris
(C) Epidermolysis Bullosa
(D) Erosive lichen planus
Out of syphilitic glossitis, plummer vinson syndrome Mikulicz’s syndrome and hepatitis A; which of these predispose to squamous cell arcinoma ______________?
(A) Syphilitic glossitis and plummer vinson syndrome
(B) Syphilitic glossitis and Mikulicz’s syndrome
(C) Plummer vinson disease and hepatitis A
(D) Hepatitis A and Mikulicz’s Syndrome
Tooth discolouration due to high bilirubin secretion is seen in the____________?
(A) Pink tooth of mummery
(B) Ochronosis
(C) Chlorodontia
(D) Leong teeth
Which of the following is a non-destructive method of age estimation in adults ?
(A) Assessment of root dentin translucency
(B) Amino acid racemisation
(C) Evaluation of tooth cementum annulations
(D) Pulp to tooth ratio of canines
Burning tongue might not be associated with______________?
(A) Ranula
(B) Diabetes mellitus
(C) Pernicious anaemia
(D) Local irritation
For primary herpes simplex, the diagnosis is made by which gene______________?
(A) Culture with giemsa stain:
(B) Culture with wright strain
(C) Routing cytology
(D) Flourescent stain for cytology
HLA – B27 histocompatbility antigen is seen in_______________?
(A) Sjogren’s disease
(B) Ankylosing spondylitis
(C) Felty’s syndrome
(D) Scleroderma