Microbiology Mcqs

Delhi boil refer to_______________?

(A) Solar Keratosis

(B) Malignant pustule

(C) L. Tropica sore

(D) Venereal ulcer

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Commonest site of extra intestinal amoebiasis is___________________?

(A) Brain

(B) Liver

(C) Spleen

(D) Lungs

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Schuffner’s dots are seen in infection due to_______________?

(A) Plasmodium falciparum

(B) Plasmodium vivax

(C) Plasmodium malariae

(D) Plasmodium ovale

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which stage of plasmodium vivax is infective to mosquito______________?

(A) Sporozoite

(B) Gametocyte

(C) Merozoite

(D) Zygote

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following is not transmitted by lice ?

(A) Trench fever

(B) Relapsing fever

(C) Q fever

(D) Epidemic typhus

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

In falciparum malaria, causes of anemia are due to all except__________________?

(A) Hemolysis

(B) Malabsorption

(C) Spleen sequestration

(D) Bone marrow depression

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

In transmission of malaria, mosquito bite transfers_______________?

(A) Sporozoite

(B) Merozoite

(C) Hypnozoite

(D) Gametocyte

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Malaria pigment is________________?

(A) Bilurubin

(B) Haemoglobin

(C) Iron

(D) Haematin-globin pigment

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Kolmer test is a screening test done for_________________?

(A) Syphilis

(B) Tuberculosis

(C) Gonorrhea

(D) Lymphoma

Submitted By: Ali Uppal