Microbiology Mcqs

Opsonisation is by_______________?

(A) IgA

(B) IgE

(C) IgG

(D) IgM

(D) Both C & D

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Antigen combining site of the antibody is____________________?

(A) Idiotope

(B) Paratope

(C) Epitope

(D) Hapten

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Function of Ig A is________________?

(A) Acts as a mucosal barrier for infection

(B) Circulating antibody

(C) Kills virus infected cells

(D) Activates macrophages

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Complement binding immunoglobin via the classical pathway is_______________?

(A) IgG & igM

(B) IgG & IgA

(C) IgG & IgD

(D) IgD & IgE

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Most sensitive test for antigen detection is_______________?

(A) Radioimmuno Assay


(C) Immunoflourescence

(D) Passive hemaglutination

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Following reaction are produced by heterophil antigens except_____________?

(A) Forssman antigen antibody reaction

(B) Weil-Felix reaction

(C) Paul bunnel reaction

(D) Widal reaction

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Characters of exotoxin include all, except_______________?

(A) Protein polysaccharide complex

(B) Heat labile

(C) Highly potent

(D) Has specific tissue affinity

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Anaerobic bacteria can be cultured in__________________?

(A) L-J medium

(B) Robertson cooked meat medium

(C) Loefflers medium

(D) Sabourauds agar

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Louis Pasteur is not associated with_______________?

(A) Introduction of complex media

(B) Discovery of Rabies Vaccine

(C) Discovery of M. Tuberculosis

(D) Disproved spontaneous regression theory

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal