Microbiology Mcqs

The Ig found in exocrine secretions is_____________?

(A) IgG

(B) IgD

(C) IgM

(D) IgA

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Bacterial spores are destroyed by_______________?

(A) Boiling at 100°C

(B) Disinfection by hypochlorite solution

(C) Autoclave

(D) Pasteurisation

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following is not a feature of anaphylaxis ?

(A) Delayed reaction

(B) Immediate reaction

(C) passive transfer by serum

(D) None of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

compared with autoclave, use of a dry heat over for sterilization has the following disadvantages______________?

(A) Time-consuming

(B) Less effective

(C) Causes instruments to rust

(D) Causes sharp instruments to dull

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Sterilisation is______________?

(A) Pathogens killed but spores are not affected

(B) Only pathogenic micro-organisms killed

(C) Non-pathogenic killed

(D) All pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms killed

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

About Bacteroids True are all Except_______________?

(A) Susceptible to many antibiotics

(B) Present mainly in mixed infections

(C) Most common species is B fragilis

(D) Bile resistant anerobes

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which is not true about vibrio cholera_________________?

(A) It is non-halophilic

(B) Grows on simple media

(C) Man is the only natural host

(D) Cannot survive in extracellular environment

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Pseudomonas aeruginosa_________________?

(A) Produces heat stable enterotoxin

(B) Causes Shangai fever

(C) Cannot be destroyed at 55 degree at 1 hr.

(D) Does not produce any pigment

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following is true about tetanus acquired through traumatic wound ?

(A) Clostridium tetani travels via the nerves to the anterior horn dells in spinal cord

(B) The tetanospasmin component of the exotoxin act on the post-synaptic neurones and prevents impulse transmission

(C) The patient should be given tetanus toxoid intravenously

(D) Causes positive Nagler reaction

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Actinomycosis is a_________________?

(A) Aerobic bacterial disease

(B) Anaerobic bacterial disease

(C) Aerobic fungal disease

(D) Anaerobic fungal disease

Submitted By: Ali Uppal