Microbiology Mcqs

The mechanism of genetic transfer where a phage serves as a vehicle is_______________?

(A) Transduction

(B) Translation

(C) Lysogeny

(D) Conjugation

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Fimbriae are demonstrated by ___________________?

(A) Culture

(B) Gram stain

(C) Biochemical reaction

(D) Haemagglutination test

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Staphylococcal food poisoning includes the following features_______________?

(A) Incubation period of 24 hours

(B) Requires immediate antibiotics

(C) Common with dairy products

(D) Heat labile enterotoxin

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Phospholipid used to investigate syphilis by the reagin test is________________?

(A) Cardiolipin

(B) Plasminogen

(C) Palmityl lecithin

(D) Serine

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

In small intestine, cholera toxin acts by______________?

(A) ADP – ribosylation of the G regulatory protein

(B) Inhibition of adenyl cyclase

(C) Activation of GTPase

(D) Active absorption of NaCI

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The most frequently encountered clostridial species in gas gangrene is______________?

(A) Clostridium botulinum

(B) Clostridium welchii

(C) Clostridium tetani

(D) Clostridium difficile

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Group A carbohydrate of Str. pyogenes cross reacts with human_________________?

(A) Synovial fluid

(B) Myocardium

(C) Cardiac valves

(D) Vascular intima

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

ASO (Antistreptolysin 0) test is uesd for the diagnosis of________________?

(A) Rheumatoid arthritis

(B) Typhoid fever

(C) Rheumatie fever

(D) Rickettsial fever

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Following are the characteristics of Vincent’s angina EXCEPT_______________?

(A) Ulcerative gingivostomatitis

(B) Caused due to malnutrition

(C) A symbiotic infection

(D) Caused by leptospira interrogans

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Pathogenesis of diphtheria is attributed to__________________?

(A) Invasion

(B) Endotoxin

(C) Exotoxin

(D) Capsule

Submitted By: Ali Uppal