The Largest flag ever made,weight at 5 ton with 44 miles of Thread,certified by Guinness world record belong to which country
(A) Pakistan
(B) Romania
(C) US
(D) China
Heart of Asia Istanbul Ministerial Process on December 3 to December 4, 2016 was hosted by which country
(A) Pakistan
(B) India (Amritsar city)
(C) Bhutan
(D) Iran
The 2017 Heart of Asia Istanbul Ministerial Process will be hosted by which country
(A) Pakistan
(B) India
(C) Bhutan
(D) Azerbaijan
Who is Newly appointed General Secretary of UNO on 31st December 2016
(A) Antonio Guterreson
(B) Ban-ki-moon
(C) Peter Thomson
(D) none of these
Donald Trump sworn in as __________th US president on January 20, 2017
(A) 45th
(B) 46th
(C) 47th
(D) 48th
World’s longest non_stop commercial flight starts from Qatar and lands in_____________
(A) New Zealand
(B) Landon
(C) Los Angelas
(D) Australia
India recognised the provisional Government of Bangladesh on
(A) Dec 6, 1971
(B) Dec 16, 1971
(C) Jan 1, 1972
(D) Dec 18, 1971
Pakistan attended a four_day SAARC japan_funded workshop in Sep 1999. The workshop was on
(A) The role of media in preventing prostitution
(B) The role of media in preventing Child Labour
(C) The role of media in Drug prevention
(D) The role of media in curbing terrorism
Gandhi _ Jinnah talks of 1944 failed due to
(A) Opposition by the Khaksars
(B) Red Shirts
(C) The Ahrar
(D) Two - Nation Theory