Pedagogy Mcqs

One of the students of a class hardly talks in the class. How would you encourage him to express himself?

(A) By organizing discussions classroom activities

(B) By encouraging children to take part in

(C) By organizing educational games/programmers in which children feel like speaking

(D) By giving good marks to those who express themselves well

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The information about internet and computer makes children?

(A) Give more knowledge

(B) Increase the knowledge of the information

(C) Make him best disciple

(D) More intelligent

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

What should teacher do after teaching the lesson?

(A) He should give those answers of the Questions of the lesson

(B) He should ask to do Question answers of the lesson

(C) He should test the understanding of the students

(D) He should leave them if they may write or not

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

To study the functioning of the unconscious mind, which of the following techniques can be most profitably used?

(A) Situational tests

(B) Projective techniques

(C) Case studies

(D) Personality inventories

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The primary duty of a teacher is to be responsible to his/her:

(A) Students

(B) Nation

(C) Society

(D) Family

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

A very important quality of a good student is:

(A) To come to school on time

(B) To be quite and well behaved

(C) To always obey the teacher

(D) To make an effort to understand what is taught in class

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Major advantage of supervised study technique is that:

(A) Problems of learning disabled and backward pupils can be removed

(B) All of the above

(C) Self learning habits and self confidence can be developed in pupil

(D) Formative evaluation of teaching is possible

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

All of the following are the advantages of lecture strategy except:

(A) It will increase the oral communication powers of pupils

(B) More content can be presented to pupils in less amount of time

(C) Objectives of cognitive as well as effective domains of behavior can be achieved

(D) Habit of concentrating to teaching for a longer period can be developed

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which types of person should enter in the field of teaching?

(A) Meritorious persons

(B) Devoted and laborious persons

(C) General persons

(D) Economically weak persons

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

To increase the confidence of the teacher

(A) Selection of suitable strategy is needed

(B) Well preparation of the material aids is required

(C) Well preparation of the content is required

(D) Class room discipline is a must

Submitted By: Ali Uppal