Physics Mcqs

Slope of work time graph is equal to____________________?

(A) displacement

(B) acceleration

(C) power

(D) energy

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The relation between horse power and watt is_________________?

(A) 1 hp = 546 watts

(B) 1 hp = 746 watts

(C) 1 hp = 1000 watts

(D) 1 hp = 946 watts

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following types of force can do no work on the particle on which it acts ?

(A) frictional force

(B) gravitational force

(C) elastic force

(D) centripetal force

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

A field in which the work done in a moving a body along closed path is zero is called________________?

(A) electric field

(B) conservative field

(C) electromagnetic field

(D) gravitational field

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The source of tidal energy is____________________?

(A) sun

(B) earth

(C) both A and B

(D) moon

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The dot product of force and velocity is__________________?

(A) power

(B) work

(C) impulse

(D) torque

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The dimension of power is_______________?

(A) [ML2T-3]

(B) [ML2T-2]

(C) [ML2T3]

(D) none of these

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

A man lifts vertically a weight of 40kg through 1m in 10s; while a chile lifts vertically a weight of 10kg through a distance of 1m in 1s. What will be correct inference ?

(A) man does more work than child

(B) child does more work than man

(C) both do the same amount of work

(D) it is a foolish question

Submitted By: Ali Uppal