Physics Mcqs

The unit of radioactivity curie is equal to_________________?

(A) 3.74 x 109 disintegration per sec

(B) 3.70 x 1010 disintegration per sec

(C) 3.55 x 1010 disintegration per sec

(D) 3.60 x 1010 disintegration per sec

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Sum of the masses of constituent nucleons as compared to the mass of the resultant nucleus is______________?

(A) Smaller

(B) Greater than 82

(C) Same

(D) Sometimes smaller some times greater

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

A mass spectrograph (spectrometer) sorts out____________?

(A) Molecules

(B) Ions

(C) Elements

(D) Isotopes

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Strontium-90 is used as __________________?

(A) α-particle source

(B) β-particle source

(C) γ-rays source

(D) Neutron source

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

An alpha particle in a single encounter__________________?

(A) Loses a small fraction of its energy

(B) Losses most of its energy

(C) Loses no energy at all

(D) Loses all of its energy

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

T.V sets and microwave ovens emit ___________________?

(A) X-rays

(B) α-rays

(C) β-rays

(D) γ-rays

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Alpha particle ionizes an atom_________________?

(A) Through direct collision

(B) Through electrostatic attraction

(C) Through electrostatic repulsion

(D) All of above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The charge on alpha particles is________________?

(A) Plus one

(B) Plus two

(C) Minus two

(D) Minus one

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Sterilization of surgical instruments medical supplies and bandages can be done by exposing them to a beam of_______________?

(A) α-rays

(B) β-rays

(C) γ-rays

(D) B and C have equal antiseptic propertie

Submitted By: Ali Uppal