Physics Mcqs

Which one of following postulate is in accordance with the Rutherfords model ?

(A) continuous spectra for atoms

(B) discrete spectra for atoms

(C) either continuous nor discrete

(D) no spectrum

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

When we excite some atoms by heat collision or electrical discharge they will________________?

(A) radiate electromagnetic energy with a continuous distribution of wavelength

(B) absorb particular wavelengths when white light is incident on them

(C) radiate electromagnetic energy of discrete characteristic wavelength

(D) emit either invisible or visible light

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

In obtaining an X-ray photograph of our hand we use the principle of______________?

(A) photo electric effect

(B) ionization

(C) shadow photograph

(D) any of above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Photon of highest frequency will be absorbed when transition takes place from_____________?

(A) 1st to 5th orbit

(B) 2nd to 5th orbit

(C) 3rd to 5th orbit

(D) 4th to 5th orbit

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The radiations emitted form hydrogen filled discharge tube show____________?

(A) band spectrum

(B) line spectrum

(C) continuous spectrum

(D) absorption spectrum

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Total number of series in hydrogen spectrum is_____________?

(A) three

(B) four

(C) five

(D) six

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The characteristic X-rays spectrum is due to_____________?

(A) The illumination of the target metal by ultra-violet radiation

(B) The bombardment of the target by protons

(C) The bombardment of target by electrons

(D) The absorption of radiation by the target metal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The minimum wavelength of X-rays can further be reduced by _______________?

(A) Reducing the pressure or cooling the target

(B) Increasing the temperature of the filament.

(C) Using a target element of higher atomic number

(D) Increasing the potential difference between the cathode and the target

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Radiation produced from TV picture tube is_____________?

(A) B-rays

(B) X-rays

(C) Far infrared

(D) Infrared

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal