If special forms are needed for printing the output, the programmer specifies these forms through________________?
(C) Load modules
(D) Utility programs
Which of the following functions is/ are performed by the loader ?
(A) Physically place the machine instructions and data into memory
(B) Allocate space in memory for the programs and resolve symbolic references between object decks
(C) Adjust all address dependent locations, such as address constants, to correspond to the allocated space
(D) All of the above
Bug means_______________?
(A) A logical error in a program
(B) A difficult syntax error in a program
(C) Documenting programs using an efficient documentation tool
(D) All of the above
In which way(s) can a macro processor for assembly language be implemented ?
(A) independent one-pass processor
(B) independent two-pass processor
(C) processor incorporated into pass of a standard two-pass assembler
(D) all of the above
Which of the following NIS clients, finds and stores information about an NIS domain and server ?
(A) ypwhich
(B) ypbind
(C) ypcat
(D) yppoll
What shell’s wild-card is used to match any number of characters including none ?
(A) *
(B) ?
(C) [!ijk]
(D) [ijk]
What command is used with vi editor to replace text from cursor to right______________?
(A) S
(B) s
(C) R
(D) r
What hardware architectures are not supported by Red Hat ?
(B) IBM-compatible
(C) Alpha
(D) Macintosh
Which symbol will be used with grep command to match the pattern pat at the end of a line ?
(A) ^pat
(B) $pat
(C) pat$
(D) pat^
A relocate program form is the one which_______________?
(A) consists of a program and relevant information for its relocation
(B) can itself perform the relocation of its address-sensitive portions
(C) cannot be made to execute in any area of storage other than the one designated for it at the time of its coding or translation
(D) All of the above