Which of the following files will displayed by this command cat *ch* ?
(A) patch
(B) catch
(C) .ch
(D) All of the above
Which of the following commands is used to absolutely assign all permissions to the owner, read and write permissions to the group and only executable permission to the others of the file note ?
(A) chmod 761 note
(B) chmod 671 note
(C) chmod 167 note
(D) chmod 4=rwx, g=rw note
Which option is used with the chmod command recursively to all files and sub-directories in a directory ?
(A) -1
(B) -i
(C) -x
(D) -R
What command is used with file named ‘letter’ to remove the executable permission from the user and assign read permission to the group and others ?
(A) chmod go + x, u – x letter
(B) chmod g – x, uo + r letter
(C) chmod go + r, u + x letter
(D) chmod u – x, go + r letter
After you have compiled your kernel, what do you have to edit to boot your new kernel image ?
(A) /boot/lilo.conf
(B) /etc/conf.modules
(C) /etc/name
(D) boot
GNOME is based on________________?
(A) CORBA toolkit
(B) COM/DCOM toolkit
(C) ORE toolkit
(D) OLE DB toolkit
Which of the following commands is used to update access and modification times of a file ?
(A) grep
(B) wc
(C) touch
(D) cat
What command is used to sort the lines of data in a file in reverse order ?
(A) sort – r
(B) st
(C) sh
(D) sort