Software Engineering Mcqs

Which subsystem implements the requirements defined by the application ?

(A) UI


(C) Application subsystem

(D) None of the mentioned

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which test do you infer from the following statement: “The coordination and data management functions of the server are tested.” ?

(A) Server tests

(B) Application function tests

(C) Transaction tests

(D) Network communication tests

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

“A client is assigned all user presentation tasks and the processes associated with data entry”.Which option supports the client’s situation ?

(A) Distributed logic

(B) Distributed presentation

(C) Remote presentation

(D) All of the mentioned

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

When a client application invokes a method contained within an object elsewhere in the system, CORBA uses dynamic invocation to____________________?

(A) obtain pertinent information about the desired method from the interface repository

(B) create a data structure with parameters to be passed to the object

(C) create a request for the object

(D) all of the mentioned

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

What is used to pass SQL requests and associated data from one component to another ?

(A) Client/server SQL interaction

(B) Remote procedure calls

(C) SQL Injection

(D) All of the mentioned

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following services is not provided by an object ?

(A) Activating & Deactivating Objects

(B) Security features

(C) Files implementing the entities identified within the ERD

(D) Registering object implementation

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

CORBA stands for _____________________?

(A) Common Object Request Build Architecture

(B) Common Object Request Broker Architecture

(C) Common Object Request Break Architecture

(D) All of the mentioned

Submitted By: Ali Uppal