Civil Engineering Mcqs

Which of the following tests measures the toughness of road aggregates ?

(A) crushing strength test

(B) abrasion test

(C) impact test

(D) shape test

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The direct interchange ramp involves____________?

(A) diverging to the right side and merging from left

(B) diverging to the left side and merging from right

(C) diverging to the right side and merging from right

(D) diverging to the left side and merging from left

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Los Angeles testing machine is used to conduct______________?

(A) abrasion test

(B) impact test

(C) attrition test

(D) crushing strength test

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

In soils having same values of plasticity index, if liquid limit is increased, then_____________?

(A) compressibility and permeability decrease and dry strength increases

(B) compressibility, permeability and dry strength decrease

(C) compressibility, permeability and dry strength increase

(D) compressibility and permeability increase and dry strength decreases

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The most economical lighting layout which is suitable for narrow roads is_______________?

(A) single side lighting

(B) staggered system

(C) central lighting system

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

When the width of kerb parking space and width of street are limited, generally preferred parking system is________________?

(A) parallel parking

(B) 45° angle parking

(C) 65° angle parking

(D) 90° angle parking

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Penetration test on bitumen is used for determining its_____________?

(A) grade

(B) viscosity

(C) ductility

(D) temperature susceptibility

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The method of design of flexible pavement as recommended by IRC is____________?

(A) group index method

(B) CBR method

(C) Westergaard method

(D) Benkelman beam method

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Flexible pavement distribute the wheel load_____________?

(A) directly to subgrade

(B) through structural action

(C) through a set of layers to the subgrade

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal