An aggrading river is a_________________?
(A) silting river
(B) scouring river
(C) both silting and scouring river
(D) neither silting nor scouring river
The meander pattern of a river is developed by_________________?
(A) average discharge
(B) dominant discharge
(C) maximum discharge
(D) critical discharge
If the R.L’s of canal bed level and high flood level of drainage are 212.0 m and 210.0 m respectively, then cross drainage work will be________________?
(A) aqueduct
(B) superpassage
(C) syphon
(D) syphon aqueduct
The ratio of rate of change of the discharge of an outlet to the rate of change of the discharge of distributing channel is called________________?
(A) proportionality
(B) flexibility
(C) setting
(D) sensitivity
Vertical drop fall is satisfactory for a height upto ___________?
(A) 0.5 m
(B) 1.5 m
(C) 3.5 m
(D) 5.0 m
A straight glacis type fall with a baffle platform and a baffle wall is called_____________?
(A) vertical dropfall
(B) glacis fall
(C) Montague type fall
(D) inglis fall
The flow-mass curve is graphical representation of__________________?
(A) cumulative discharge and time
(B) discharge and percentage probability of flow being equaled or exceeded
(C) cumulative discharge, volume and time in chronological order
(D) discharge and time in chronological order
The stage of river carrying a discharge of Q m7sec at a point is 10 m and slope of water surface is (1/4000). The discharge of a flood at the same point and same stage of 10 m with a water surface slope of(l/1000) will be________________?
(A) V2 Q m3/sec
(B) 0.5 Q mVsec
(C) 2 Q m3/sec
(D) 4 Q m3/sec
A 6 hours storm had 4 cm of rainfall and the resulting runoff was 2 cm. If <j) index remains at the same value, the runoff due to 10 cm of rainfall in 12 hours in the catchment is___________________?
(A) 4.5 cm
(B) 6.0 cm
(C) 7.5 cm
(D) 9.0 cm
The most suitable chemical which can be applied to the water surface for reducing evaporation is________________?
(A) methyl alcohol
(B) ethyl alcohol
(C) cetyl alcohol
(D) butyl alcohol