Mechanical Engineering Mcqs

Boiler stays are used to___________________?

(A) prevent flat surfaces under pressure from tearing apart

(B) take care of failure in shear

(C) take care of failure in compression

(D) provide support for boiler

(D) provide foundation of boiler

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which type of boiler can meet rapid changes of load____________________?

(A) vertical fire tube type

(B) horizontal fire tube type

(C) horizontal water tube type

(D) vertical water tube type

(D) forced circulation type

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

It is required to produce large amount of steam at low pressure. Which boiler should be used ?

(A) pulverised fuel fired boiler

(B) cochran boiler

(C) lancashire boiler

(D) babcock and wilcox boiler

(D) stoker fired boiler

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Steam in water tube boiler as compared to fire tube boiler_________________?

(A) can be raised rapidly

(B) is raisd at slower rate

(C) is raised at same rate

(D) could be raised at fast/slow rate depending on design

(D) none of the above is true

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

In forced recirculation type boiler__________________?

(A) heating takes place at bottom and the water supplied at bottom gets converted into the mixture of steam bubbles and hot water which rise to drum

(B) water is supplied in drum and through down-comers located in atmospheric condition it passes to the water wall and rises to drum in the form of mixture of water and steam

(C) feed pump is employed to supplement natural circulation in water wall type furnace

(D) water is converted into steam in one pass without any recirculation

(D) heating of water takes place in stages

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Bomb calorimeter is used to determine ___________________?

(A) Higher calorific value at constant volume

(B) Lower calorific value at constant volume ,

(C) Higher calorific value at constant pressure

(D) Lower calorific value at constant pressure

(D) None of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Proximate analysis of fuel is determination of percentage of ____________________?

(A) carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur, moisture

(B) fixed carbon, ash, volatile matter, moisture

(C) higher calorific value

(D) lower calorific value

(D) rough analysis

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Reheating of steam under ideal conditions takes place at constant __________________?

(A) entropy

(B) enthaply

(C) pressure

(D) temperature

(D) all of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Expanding steam to a very low pressure (high vacuum) in steam engines is _________________?

(A) desirable

(B) economical

(C) essential

(D) optional

(D) uneconomical

Submitted By: Ali Uppal