Mechanical Engineering Mcqs

Steam exhaust from high pressure turbine is reheated in _____________________?

(A) boiler drum

(B) superheater tubes

(C) economiser

(D) a separate coil

(D) a separate coil located in convection path

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The safety valve at superheater as compared to drum safety valve setting is set at___________________?

(A) higher value

(B) lower value

(C) same value

(D) any value

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The pressure of reheat steam after passing through reheater compared to inlet condition is _________________?

(A) more

(B) less

(C) equal

(D) may be more or less depending on capacity of reheater

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

In regenerative air preheater, the heat is transferred _____________________?

(A) from a metal wall from one medium to another

(B) from heating an intermediateanaterial and then heating the air from this material

(C) by direct mixing

(D) heat is transferred by bleeding some gas from furnace

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

A safety valve in a locomotive starts leaking. The leaking medium will be_________________?

(A) water

(B) dry steam

(C) wet steam

(D) super heated steam

(D) supersaturated steam

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Tertiary air is the air used to____________________?

(A) provide air around burners for obtaining optimum combustion

(B) transport and dry the coal

(C) cool the scanners

(D) supply air for ignitors

(D) convert CO (formed in lower zone of furnace) into C02 at higher zone

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The ultimate analysis of fuel lists _____________________?

(A) various chemical constituents, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen etc, plus ash as per-cents by volume

(B) various chemical constituents, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, etc, plus ash as per-cents by weight

(C) fuel constituents as percents by volume of moisture, volatile, fixed carbon and ash

(D) fuel constituents as percents by weight of moisture, volatile, fixed carbon and ash

(D) moisture and ash free heating value

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Caking coals are those which __________________________?

(A) form lumps or masses of coke

(B) burn freely

(C) show little or no fusing action

(D) burn completely

(D) do not form ash

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Secondary air is the used to_________________?

(A) provide air around burners for obtaining optimum combustion

(B) transport and dry the coal

(C) convert CO (formed in lower zone of furnace) into C02 at higher zone

(D) air delivered by induced draft fan

(D) air fed to pulverisers

Submitted By: Ali Uppal