Mechanical Engineering Mcqs

Boiling water reactor employs__________________?

(A) boiler

(B) direct cycle of coolant system

(C) double circuit system of coolant cycle

(D) multi pass system

(D) single circuit system

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The total energy released in fission of U is__________________?

(A) 5 MeV

(B) 10 MeV

(C) 199 MeV

(D) 168 MeV

(D) 11 MeV

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

A nuclear unit becoming critical means_______________?

(A) it is generating power to rated capacity

(B) it is capable of generating much more than rated capacity

(C) there is danger of nuclear spread

(D) chain reaction that causes automatic splitting of the fuel nuclei has been established

(D) it generates no heat

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which is not identical for an atom and an isotope_________________?

(A) mass number

(B) atomic number

(C) chemical properties

(D) position in periodic table

(D) all of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The breeding gain in case of thermal breeder reactor as compared to fast breeder reactor is________________?

(A) same

(B) lower

(C) higher

(D) unity

(D) higher/lower depending on the size of reactor

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following is the heaviest________________?

(A) neutron

(B) proton

(C) atom

(D) electron

(D) nucleus

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Enriched uranium is one in which__________________?

(A) %age of U235 has been artificially in-creased

(B) %age of U has been artificially increased

(C) %age of U234 has been artificially in-creased

(D) extra energy is pumped from outside

(D) all impurities have been removed

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following are ferrite materials__________________?

(A) U233andPu239

(B) U

(C) U238andPu239

(D) U238andTh239

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The main interest of shielding in nuclear reactor is protection against_______________?

(A) X-rays

(B) infra-red rays

(C) a, P, and y rays

(D) neutrons and gamma rays

(D) electrons

Submitted By: Ali Uppal