Mechanical Engineering Mcqs

The most commonly used moderator in nuclear plants is___________________?

(A) heavy water

(B) concrete and bricks

(C) graphite and concrete

(D) deutrium

(D) graphite

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Moderator in nuclear plants is used to__________________?

(A) reduce temperature

(B) extract heat from nuclear reaction

(C) control the reaction

(D) cause collision with the fast moving neutrons to reduce their speed

(D) moderate the radioactive pollution

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The nuclear energy is measured as__________________?

(A) MeV

(B) curie

(C) farads

(D) MW

(D) kWhr

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Amongst the following, the fissionable materials are________________?

(A) U233andPu239

(B) U23iandPu233

(C) U235andPu235

(D) U238andPu239

(D) U243andPu235

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Ferrite material is____________________?

(A) the most fissionable material

(B) the basic fuel for nuclear paints

(C) basic raw material for nuclear plants

(D) the material which absorbs neutrons and undergoes spontaneous changes leading to the formation of fissionable material

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

In fast breeder reactors___________________?

(A) any type of moderator can be used

(B) graphite is used as the moderator

(C) heavy water is used as the moderator

(D) moderator may or may not be used

(D) moderator is dispensed with

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following particles is the lightest__________________?

(A) nucleus

(B) electron

(C) proton

(D) meson

(D) neutron

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

In nuclear fission each neutron that causes fission releases_______________?

(A) no new neutron

(B) at least one new neutron

(C) one new neutron

(D) more than one new neutrons

(D) many-fold neutrons

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Gas cooled reactor uses following materials as moderator, and coolant____________________?

(A) graphite, C02

(B) graphite, air

(C) heavy water, C02

(D) lead, H2

(D) concrete, N2

Submitted By: Ali Uppal