Rapid onset of inhalational GA depends on____________?
(A) Blood solubility
(B) Cerebral blood flow
(C) Partial pressure of GA
(D) All of the above
Which factor of the following contributes to short duration of anesthetic action of single dose thiopental_____________?
(A) Rapid biotransformation
(B) Rapid accumulation in body fat
(C) High lipid solubility
(D) Ability to enter and leave brain tissue every rapidly
The organ most resistant to GA is______________?
(A) Spinal Cord
(B) Medulla oblonagata
(C) Medullary cortex
(D) Cerebrum
Which produces dissociative anaesthesia_____________?
(A) Propanidid
(B) Theiopentone sodium
(C) Fentany droperodol
(D) Ketamine
Methemoglobinemia is a complication following the administration of_____________?
(A) Lignocaine
(B) Benzacaine
(C) Prilocaine
(D) Procaine
A dentist who first used ether as a general antithetic was_____________?
(A) Martin
(B) Morton
(C) Morrison
(D) Murray
The most important property in determining the induction of a general anaesthetic agent is_____________?
(A) Alveolar exchage
(B) Pulmonary ventilation
(C) Solubility of anaesthetic in blood
(D) solubility of anaesthetic in tissue
The drug not belonging to amide group_______________?
(A) Procaine
(B) Xylocaine
(C) Lignocaine
(D) Bupivacaine
Local anaesthetics act by inhibiting_____________?
(A) Motor fibers only
(B) Motor and sensory fibres
(C) Only sensory fibres
(D) None of the above
In the second stage of anesthesia the pupil is_______________?
(A) Constricted
(B) Partially dilated
(C) Normal in size
(D) Totally dilated