The artery , which runs along , the lower border of posterior belly of digastric is_______________?
(A) Lingual
(B) Ascending pharyngeal
(C) Occipital
(D) Palatine
Little’s area constitutes______________?
(A) Anastamosis between branch of maxillary artery and the branch of bacial artery
(B) Anastomeses between two branches of facial artery
(C) Anastomeses between two branches of maxillary artery
(D) None of the above
All the following are branches of external carotid artery except _____________?
(A) Superior thyroid artery
(B) Anterior ethmoidal artery
(C) Posterior auricular artery
(D) Occipital artery
Submandibular gland is supplied by_____________?
(A) Lingual artery
(B) Facial artery
(C) Submandibular artery
(D) Inferior alveolar artery
The arterial supply of trachea is by the____________?
(A) Bronchial artery
(B) Tracheal artery
(C) Inferior thyroid artery
(D) Superior thyroid artery
Ascending palatine artery is a branch of_____________?
(A) Internal carotid artery
(B) External carotid artery
(C) Facial artery
(D) Ascending pharyngeal artery
The tonsillar ring or Waldeyer’s ring consists of which of the following ________________?
(A) The adenoid
(B) The lingual tonsil
(C) The tonsil
(D) All of the above
Middle thyroid vein drains into _______ vein?
(A) External jugular
(B) Anterior jugular
(C) Internal jugular
(D) Brachio cephalic
Artery palpable ar the anterior border of masserter is _________ artery?
(A) Maxillary
(B) Faical
(C) Lingual
(D) Superficial temporal
Blood supply of coronoid process of mandible is primarily from_____________?
(A) Inferior alveolar artery
(B) Deep temporal artery
(C) Facial artery
(D) Middle meningeal artery