Hypophysis cerebri is supplied by________________?
(A) Internal carotid
(B) External carotid
(C) Maxillary artery
(D) Facial artery
Occipital artery is a branch of _________________?
(A) Internal carotid artery
(B) Posterior branch of External carotid
(C) Medial branch of external carotid
(D) Anterior branch of external carotid
True about subclvatian artery_______________?
(A) Principal artery of upper limb
(B) Right subclavian artery is a branch of brachioceplialic artery
(C) Left subclavian artery is a branch of arch of aorta
(D) Internal thoracic, verterbraland thyro cervical trunk are branches of subclavian artery
(D) All of the above
Soft palate is supplied by________________?
(A) Greater palatine artery
(B) Ascending palatine artery
(C) Ascending pharyngeal artery
(D) All of the above
The maxillary vein accompanies_______________?
(A) First part of maxillary artery
(B) Second part of maxillary artery
(C) Third part of maxillary artery
(D) None of the above
That is not true for facial artery ?
(A) Main source of blood supply to palatine tonsil
(B) Supplies branches to upper and lower lips
(C) Conveys post ganglionic sympathetic fibers to submandibulr gland
(D) Is a branch of internal carotid artery
Foramen transversarium transmit________________?
(A) Inferior jugular vein
(B) Inferior petrosal sinus
(C) Sigmoid sinus
(D) Vertebral artery
Lingual artery is a branch of _____________?
(A) Internal carotid artery
(B) External carotid artery
(C) Subclavian artery
(D) Maxillary artery
The main arterial trunk supplying the infra temporal fossa is_______________?
(A) Infratemporal artery
(B) Deep temporal artery
(C) Maxillary artery
(D) Posterior superior alveolar artery
First branch of external carotid artery is______________?
(A) Facial artery
(B) Ascending pharyngeal artery
(C) Occipital artery
(D) Lingual artery