Which of the following is / are fan shaped_______________?
(A) Middle constrictor
(B) Temporolis
(C) Both of the above
(D) None of the above
Genioglossus Muscle is attached in the posterior surface of symphysis menti in the________________?
(A) Mental spines
(B) Superior genial tubercle
(C) The inferior genial tubercle
(D) Just above the lower border of mandible
The following ligaments are present in temporomandibulai joint except________________?
(A) Lateral temporomandibular ligament
(B) Sphenomandibular ligament
(C) Stylomandibular liqament
(D) Alar liqament
The palatal muscle that ends in a tendon that hooks around the hamulus and is inserted in the palate is the_________________?
(A) Palatoglossus
(B) Tensor veli palatini
(C) Levator veli palatini
(D) Palatopharyngeus
All of the following are digastrics, except ?
(A) Muscle fibres in the liqament of Treitz
(B) Omohyoid
(C) Occipitofrontalis
(D) Sternocleidomastoid
All of the following muscles are grouped together as “muscles of mastication” except_______________?
(A) Buccinator
(B) Masseter
(C) Temporalis
(D) Pterygoids
Mylohyoid muscle________________?
(A) Arises from hyoid bone
(B) developed from second pharyngeal arch
(C) Depresses the hyoid
(D) Elevates the hyoid
Muscle involved in the rotation and protrusion of the mandible_______________?
(A) Masseter
(B) Medial pterygoid
(C) Temporalis
(D) Digastric
Hyperacusis is due to the damage to which of the following muscles ________________?
(A) Orbicularis oris
(B) Styloglossus
(C) Stylopharyngeus
(D) Stapedius