Medical Mcqs

Muscle of palate , which works around hamular notch and forms a tendon is____________?

(A) Levator palatine

(B) Palatopharyngeus

(C) Tensor palatine

(D) Stylopharyngeus

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Al are structures lying deep to the hyoglossus muscle except_______________?

(A) Hypoglossal nerve

(B) Lingual artery

(C) Stylohyoid muscle

(D) Geniohyoid muscle

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Oral diaphragm is formed by_________________?

(A) Mylohyoid muscle

(B) Genioglossus muscle

(C) Buccinator muscle

(D) Orbicularis oris muscle

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Floor of mouth is made by which muscle ___________________?

(A) Genioglossus

(B) Geniohyoid

(C) Mylohyoid

(D) Masseter

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

IN relation to the occlusal plane following muscles are in descending order _____________?

(A) Genioglossus, hyoglossus, cculomoto, cculomot

(B) Genioglossus, cculomoto, cculomot, anterior belly of digastric

(C) Hyoglossus, genioglossus, cculomoto, anterior belly of digastric

(D) Geniohyoid, genioglossus, cculomot, anterior belly of digastric

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The action of digastric muscle is__________________?

(A) Depression of mandible

(B) Protrusion of mandible

(C) Side- to- side movement of mandible

(D) Depressing the floor of the mouth

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

When the jaw is opened________________?

(A) Condyles move upwards

(B) Articular disc moves posteriorly

(C) Lateral pterygoids contract

(D) Condyles moves around vertical axis

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Middle constrictor of pharynx has attachment from________________?

(A) Body of hyoid bone

(B) Mandible

(C) Pterygomandibular raphae

(D) Cricoid cartilage

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

‘Wry neck’ deformity is due to the damage of______________?

(A) Platysma

(B) Sternohyoid

(C) Sternocleidomastoid

(D) Omohyoid

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which one of the following muscles of the soft palate supplied by the mandibular nerve______________?

(A) Levator palati

(B) Palat glossus

(C) Tensor palati

(D) Musculus uvulae

Submitted By: Ali Uppal