Muscle of palate , which works around hamular notch and forms a tendon is____________?
(A) Levator palatine
(B) Palatopharyngeus
(C) Tensor palatine
(D) Stylopharyngeus
Al are structures lying deep to the hyoglossus muscle except_______________?
(A) Hypoglossal nerve
(B) Lingual artery
(C) Stylohyoid muscle
(D) Geniohyoid muscle
Oral diaphragm is formed by_________________?
(A) Mylohyoid muscle
(B) Genioglossus muscle
(C) Buccinator muscle
(D) Orbicularis oris muscle
Floor of mouth is made by which muscle ___________________?
(A) Genioglossus
(B) Geniohyoid
(C) Mylohyoid
(D) Masseter
IN relation to the occlusal plane following muscles are in descending order _____________?
(A) Genioglossus, hyoglossus, cculomoto, cculomot
(B) Genioglossus, cculomoto, cculomot, anterior belly of digastric
(C) Hyoglossus, genioglossus, cculomoto, anterior belly of digastric
(D) Geniohyoid, genioglossus, cculomot, anterior belly of digastric
The action of digastric muscle is__________________?
(A) Depression of mandible
(B) Protrusion of mandible
(C) Side- to- side movement of mandible
(D) Depressing the floor of the mouth
When the jaw is opened________________?
(A) Condyles move upwards
(B) Articular disc moves posteriorly
(C) Lateral pterygoids contract
(D) Condyles moves around vertical axis
Middle constrictor of pharynx has attachment from________________?
(A) Body of hyoid bone
(B) Mandible
(C) Pterygomandibular raphae
(D) Cricoid cartilage
‘Wry neck’ deformity is due to the damage of______________?
(A) Platysma
(B) Sternohyoid
(C) Sternocleidomastoid
(D) Omohyoid
Which one of the following muscles of the soft palate supplied by the mandibular nerve______________?
(A) Levator palati
(B) Palat glossus
(C) Tensor palati
(D) Musculus uvulae