Which of the following does not cause oral cancer in children ?
(A) Herpes simplex
(B) Esptein bar
(C) Cytomegalovirus
(D) Varicella zoster
Which of the following would be seen in late HIV cases ?
(A) Kaposi’s sarcoma
(B) Oral hairy leukoplakia
(C) Gingivitis/periodontitis
(D) All of the above
A 3 year old child has a fever of 102 degree F; and following upper respiratory tract infection discrete vesicles and ulcers on the soft plate and pharynx are noted, The most probable diagnosis is _____________?
(A) Herpangina
(B) Scarlet fever
(C) Rubella
(D) Herpetic gingivostomatitis
Coxsackie virus causes______________?
(A) infectious mononucleosis
(B) lymphoma
(C) herpangina
(D) herpes
Recurrent ulcers occurring on gingiva and palate are most probably________________?
(A) Aphthous ulcers
(B) Herpes simplex
(C) koplick spots
(D) Lesions of Behcet’s syndrome
Primary herpetic lesions involving the gingiva are most likely to occur during ages____________?
(A) 1-5 years
(B) 6-12 years
(C) 13-16 years
(D) They are likely to occur equally at any age
Mumps is caused by______________?
(A) Orthomyxo virus
(B) Paramyxo virus
(C) Rheno virus
(D) EB virus
Prodromal symptoms precede 1 to 2 days before the onset of disease in___________?
(A) Viral fever
(B) erythema multiforme
(C) pemphigus
(D) pemphigoid
Which of the following is a difference between herpangina and primary herpetic stomatitis______________?
(A) It is preceded by prodromal symptoms
(B) It is unilateral in nature
(C) Ulcers relationship seen on the anterior faucial pillars
(D) Viral etiology
Reactivation of varicella virus in a posterior root ganglion results in______________?
(A) chicken pox
(B) Herpes zoster
(C) Herpes simplex
(D) Poliomyelitis