Site specificity is seen in________________?
(A) Syphilis
(B) Recurrent herpes labialis
(C) Carcinoma
(D) Traumatic aphthous ulcer
Recurrent herpes occurs due to_______________?
(A) Virus in oral mucosa
(B) Latent virus is skin supplying the area
(C) Latent virus in nerve ganglia
(D) None of the above
Drug used in case of Herpetic lesions_______________?
(A) Acyclovir
(B) Penicillin
(C) Tetracycline
(D) Ciprofloxacin
Coxsackie virus is implicated in____________?
(A) Herpes zoster
(B) Measles
(C) Small pox
(D) Hand, Mouth & foot disease
Herpangina is caused by______________?
(A) Herpes simplex virus
(B) Coxsackie virus
(C) Measles virus
(D) Varicella zoster virus
Which of the following is NOT True about primary HSV infection ?
(A) primarily affects the anterior portion of the mouth causes acute gingivits
(B) causes acute gingivits
(C) occurs as epidemic
(D) shows prodromal symptoms
Herpes simplex is seen in______________?
(A) < 10 yrs. of age
(B) 12-15 yrs. of age
(C) 25-30 yrs. of age
(D) 55-60 yrs. of age
Which of the following occurs most commonly on tongue ?
(A) Lymphangioma and granular cell myoblastoma
(B) Lipoma and fibroma
(C) Neuroblastoma and lipoma
(D) Lymphangioma and fibroma
Which of the following combination is correct ?
(A) Thiamine – Acyl CoA
(B) Biotin-CO2
(C) ATP-Hydrogen
(D) All of the above
The feature that distinguishes herpes zoster from other vesiculo bullous eruption is_____________?
(A) Unilateral occurrence
(B) Severe burning pain
(C) Prominent crusting vesicles
(D) Sub epidermal bullous formation