Biology Mcqs

Specific heat of vaporization of water is_______________?

(A) 574 Kcal/kg

(B) 674 Kcal/kg

(C) 774 Kcal/kg

(D) 874 Kcal/kg

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the statement is not true for compounds like glycoprotein and glycolipids____________?

(A) They are conjugated molecules of carbohydrates

(B) Both have role in the extra cellular matrix of animals and bacterial cell wall

(C) They are components of biological membranes.

(D) Both are produced and secreted by endoplasmic reticulum

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following carbohydrate is tasteless___________?

(A) Monosaccharide

(B) Oligosaccharide

(C) Polysaccharide

(D) None of these

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which statement is true about an aqueous medium________________?

(A) Ionic as well as non ionic substance in aqueous media retains their identity

(B) Enzymes can not perform catalysis reaction in this medium

(C) Ions and molecules move randomly thus are in more favorable state to react with other molecules and ions

(D) It is less favorable media for chemical reactions

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Maximum number of species of living things on earth are___________?

(A) Algae

(B) Fungi

(C) Insects

(D) Protozoa

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following substance is most favorable to form structural component of biological membranes___________?

(A) Hydrophilic Carbohydrates

(B) Hydrophobic fats.

(C) Both a and b

(D) None of these

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Cellular digestion is associated with which organelle__________?

(A) Mitochondria

(B) Golgi bodies

(C) Plastids

(D) Lysosomes

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

For the synthesis of 10g of glucose ______________ of energy is required?

(A) 717.6 Kcal

(B) 727 Kcal

(C) 737 Kcal

(D) 747 Kcal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which one is soluble in hot water_____________?

(A) Starch

(B) Glycogen

(C) Amylose

(D) Amylopectin.

Submitted By: Ali Uppal