Biology Mcqs

An enzyme which converts a dipeptide into separate amino acids is an example of__________?

(A) Decarboxylase

(B) Hydrolase

(C) Oxidoreductase

(D) Transferase

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following carbohydrate can not be hydrolysed__________________?

(A) Monosaccharide

(B) Oligosaccharide

(C) Polysaccharide

(D) None of these

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

____________% of Glucose normally present in our blood is?

(A) 0.80%

(B) 0.08%

(C) 1.80%

(D) 8%

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Starch cellulose and glaycogen yield ___________ on complete hydrolysis?

(A) Maltose

(B) Sucrose

(C) Fructose

(D) Glucose

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The one which is not a globular protein__________?

(A) Anti Rh-antibody

(B) Enzyme

(C) Myosin

(D) Haemoglobin

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Ribose is an example of___________?

(A) Trioses

(B) Tetroses

(C) Pentose

(D) Hexose

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Primary structure of proteins determines__________?

(A) Number of polypeptide chains involved

(B) Bending of polypeptide chains

(C) Amino acid sequence

(D) Coiling of polypeptide chains

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

__________ is example of pure form of cellulose?

(A) Silk

(B) Wool

(C) Cotton

(D) Paper

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The cell wall of oomycetes is chiefly composed of___________?

(A) Chitin

(B) Cellulose

(C) Lignin

(D) Proteins

Submitted By: Ali Uppal